
Who struck whom?


Radak: Each man who came out of Shomron struck the man who came against him [Ralbag - to seize him alive], from those that Melech Aram sent, to see if they are for Shalom or for war.


Why did Aram flee?


Radak: They saw that the men they sent out were stricken, and their counsel was annulled. They thought that Gevurah is with [Anshei Shomron], who were not afraid of them. Fear of Elokim came upon them, so they fled.


What is the meaning of "Al Sus u'Farashim"?


Radak: The king fled on the horse on which he was riding, and horsemen with him fled. It does not say how many horsemen; the plural teaches at least two. Targum Yonasan says two, but some texts of the Targum say 'two pairs.'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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