
What did Ben Hadad add to his first message?


Rashi (5-6, citing Sanhedrin 102b): He added (verse 6) "Kol Machmad Einiecha." Also the previous demands are Divrei Chemdah! Kol Machmad is the Sefer Torah 1 , which is "ha'Nechemadim mi'Zahav umi'Paz Rav" (Tehilim 19:11). Achav said 'it is not only mine; it is of the Zekenim.' He called all of them. Even though they served idolatry, they honored the Torah [and refused to give it].


Radak (4): I meant that you will give them to me, not merely that they are under my authority - "Li Titen'! This is why Achav and his elders refused. Below (verse 7) he said "v'Lo Manati Mimenu", i.e. I admitted [that they are under his authority], but not that he may take them.


Radak citing Sanhedrin 102b: We cannot say that it is idolatry, for "Kol ha'Zekenim v'Chol ha'Am" told him to refuse (verse 8), and some of them never served Ba'al (19:18). Achav merited kingship for 22 years because he honored the Torah, which is written with 22 letters.

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