Why did he say "Ki Shamati"?
Rashi: I did not want to continue my Shelichus because I heard [many whispering about me].
Malbim: In addition to insulting me, they wanted to frame me with false claims.
What is "Dibas Rabim"?
Radak: It is Leshon ha'Ra that they say about me.
Malbim: It is not an individual that wants to frame me, rather, many.
What is the meaning of "Magor mi'Saviv"?
Rashi, Targum Yonasan: It is an expression of gathering [from around]. Radak - this is like "Yagoru Alai Azim" (Tehilim 59:4), "Yegorehu v'Chermo" (Chabakuk 1:15).
Radak: They scare me from around - this one from here, and this one from there.
Malbim: This is Pashchor, who was called "Magor mi'Saviv" (verse 3).
What is the meaning of "Hagidu v'Nagidenu"?
Rashi: Say false testimony about him, and we will testify so.
Rashi citing Menachem: This is like "Lo Sisgodedu" (Devarim 14:1), i.e. destruction. And so he explained "Lechalek Yagid Re'im" (Iyov 17:5), like "Godu Ilana" (Daniel 4:11).
Rashi citing Dunash: It is an expression of testimony. Testify falsely about him, and we will tell the king 1 . We have many words like this in Tanach that can be explained only if we divide them into two or three words, like "v'Lo Yachlu Dabro l'Shalom" (Bereishis 37:4; it is like Daber Lo), "Banai Yetza'uni" (10:20, means Yatz'u Mimeni).
Malbim: Tell about him, and we will be witnesses to testify in front of him in front of the judges.
Radak: This is like they said "Lechu v'Nakehu va'Lashon" (18:18).
Who are "Kol Enosh Shelomi"?
Radak: Those that I thought that they are at peace with me.
Malbim: They speak peaceably with me to trick me into believing them [so they can make me stumble].
Who are "Shomerei Tzal'i"?
Rashi: They are people who look forward to my downfall. Radak - that I should be Tzole'a (limp) and stumble in something.
What enticement do they hope for?
Rashi: Yirmeyah will heed us and err after us.
Radak: He will eat and drink with us, and we will take our revenge on him; we will give to him poison to drink.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Perhaps he will err.
Malbim: He will accept our counsel.