Why does it say "Bochen Tzadik"?
Radak: One who is a Tzadik in people's eyes, they do not know if his inside is like his outside. Hashem perceives - if his inner heart is like his exposed deeds, He will reward him like his virtue. If not, He will reveal him and expose him in the eyes of people, so they will know who he is. I.e. they will make him stumble in his deeds.
Malbim: Since You perceive who is righteous in his judgment, You see also intent of the heart. You know my virtue, and that all their slander against me is Sheker. I did not even think about what they suspect me of!
Why did he say "Ki Elecha Gilisi Es Rivi"?
Malbim: My feud and request for vengeance is not for my honor, rather, for Yours!