What are the cities that Hashem destroyed?
Rashi: Sedom and Amorah 1 .
These were the primary cities. He destroyed also Admah and Tzevoyim (Devarim 29:22). Refer to 20:16:3:1 and the note there.
How will he resemble the cities that Hashem destroyed?
Malbim: Menasheh killed him and all that was his.
Why does it say "v'Lo Nacham"?
Rashi: Once Hashem decreed to destroy the cities, He did not reconsider to nullify His decree 1 .
Hashem initially decreed to destroy also Tzo'ar, but retracted due to Lot's Tefilah! Perhaps this is why Rashi said [specifically] Sedom and Amorah. (PF)
What scream did he hear in the morning?
Radak: It is screams of his relatives and beloved in the morning, i.e. at the beginning of the day. So will be heard constantly until afternoon, and the entire day. It mentions afternoon because the sound will increase, like light increases from morning until the afternoon.
Malbim: He was taken to jail and judged.
Why is Teru'ah heard in the afternoon?
Radak: It is louder than the screaming. Teru'ah can be of Simchah, like "Lo Yeronen Lo Yero'a" (Yeshayah 16:10), and it can be of mourning and pain, like "Lamah Sari'i Ra" (Michah 4:9) and our verse.
Malbim: They blew the Shofar and sent out an announcement to kill him.