
What is the meaning of "Pitisani"?


Rashi: You enticed me [to be Your Shali'ach]. Radak - because Pashchor hit him and incarcerated him, Yirmeyah complained amidst his pain. You (Hashem) enticed me - I would have refrained from Your Shelichus - "Lo Yadati Daber Ki Na'ar Anochi", and You said that I should not say so (1:6-7). Yirmeyah did not speak improperly to Hashem; he expressed his own pain. Hashem did not consider it sinful; above (15:18, "Sihyeh Li Kemo Achzav") was considered a sin against Hashem, so Hashem said "Im Tashuv


What is the grammatical form of "va'Efes"?


Radak: It is Nif'al. It should be Efteh, like Evneh, just the last letter of the root is omitted, like "Tigal Ervasech" (Yeshayah 47:3) and "va'Yikar Elokim" (Bamidbar 23:4).


What is the meaning of "Chazaktani va'Tuchal"?


Rashi: You made Your hand heavy on me, to force me to go Bal Korchi (against my will), and defeated me.


Radak: Your claim overpowered me, and I did Your Shelichus [and all mock me]!


Malbim: I feared that if they will not consider me a joke, they will be angry and kill me, You strengthened me - "do not fear them" (1:8). "Va'Tuchal" - my fears came true. (They mock me, and harm me - verse 8.)


Whom is "Kulah"?


Rashi: The entire nation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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