What is the meaning of "Midei Adaber Ez'ak"?
Rashi: Whenever 1 I speak to them, I need to scream and raise my voice. Radak - I scream to rebuke them.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: When I prophesize to them, I raise my voice in crying, and I scream [about those who grab and plunder.
Malbim: Because I scream, they do not consider me like a lunatic, that they laugh at him and do not heed his words.
Radak: Midei is like "Midei Avro" (Melachim II, 4:8), "Midei Tzeisam" (Shmuel I, 18:30) and similar verses.
What is the meaning of "Chamas va'Shod Ekra"?
Rashi: I do not tell them good, only Nevu'ah of extortion and plunder.
Radak: [I scream to rebuke them, and they] say to me words of extortion and plunder, until they hit me, and I need to call Chamas on their evil words that they say to me.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Refer to 20:8:1:2.
Malbim: I rebuke them for monetary extortion and bodily theft.
Why does it say "Ki Hayah Devar Hashem Li l'Cherpah"?
Rashi: Because [I prophesize only bad for them], they spoke to me shame - they insult me.
Malbim: What I say in the name of Hashem, they think that I say so myself. Therefore, they insult me.
What is "ul'Keles"?
Rashi: It is [a subject of] speech, like "v'Kalasah" (Yechezkel 22:4).
Radak: It is mockery, like "v'Kalasah l'Chol ha'Aratzos" (Yechezkel 22:4).
Why does it say "Kol ha'Yom"?
Radak: All the days that I speak to them Devar Hashem, it is shame for me; they revile me.