
Why does it say "Elu va'Rechev v'Eleh va'Susim"?


Rashi: Some nations trust in their iron chariots, and some trust in their horses. Radak - "va'Yivtechu Al Rechev Ki Rav" (Yeshayah 31:1).


Malbim: These come from here with their chariots, and these come from here with their horses.


What is the meaning of "b'Shem Hashem Elokeinu Nazkir"?


Rashi: We pray and burn Korbanos to Hashem, for salvation is His. Nazkir refers to Haktarah and Tefilah - "Mazkir Levonah" (Yeshayah 66:3), "Es Azkarasah" (Vayikra 2:2). Therefore, they will bow and fall (verse 9).


Radak: When we mention His name and call to Him, we will win. On foot, we will defeat the chariots and horses.


Malbim: We did not do anything (come with chariots or horses), just we mention Hashem's name [and they fall - verse 9].


Gra (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 16:10): We may trust in the merit that the Kohen mentions Shem Kadsho like it is written, in the Mikdash - "Yivtach b'Shem Hashem" (Yeshayah 50:10). Also a Zecher 1 of His name (not like it is written) is enough to save - "b'Shem Hashem Elokeinu Nazkir."


Gra: The Sifri (Devarim 62) expounds Birkas Kohanim in the Mikdash from "v'Samu Es Shmi" (Bamidbar 6:27), and outside the Mikdash from "b'Chol Makom Asher Azkir Es Shmi" (Shemos 20:21);

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