
Why did Avraham use the word "Anochi," and not 'Ani'?


Seforno: He was saying that he (Avraham) undertook to show kindness and swear (even on behalf of his children) - but that Avimelech had not performed with him the kindness he professed to have performed, seeing as his servants had stolen from him (as the next Pasuk explains).


Oznayim la'Torah: Avraham took an oath, but he did not let Avimelech do so 1 - telling him that he believed him on his word, since it is forbidden even to cause a Nochri to swear by his god. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Yaakov, at the end of Parshas Va'Yeitzei (31:53), did likewise with Lavan.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who explains as to why Avraham and Yaakov entered into their respective agreements, despite the fact that the Chachamim forbade entering into a partnership with a Nochri lest he end up swearing by his god.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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