
What is "Avah Avah Avah"?


Rashi: It is an expression of "Iy ha'Sadeh" (Michah 1:6), an expression of destruction after destruction. Two and three times I will place [the crown on someone else]. It was taken from Yechanyah and given to Tzidkiyah, and from Tzidkiyah it will be given to Gedalyah ? this is twice.


Rashi citing Menachem: This is like "Avsah Vashti ha'Malkah" (Esther 1:16), "He'evinu Hirshanu" (Tehilim 106:6).


Radak: I will make this crown crooked, that it will not return to its straightness and form for a long time. Avah is repeated three times, for the crown was Batel for three generations after Galus ? Asir, She'alti'el and Pedayah; in the fourth generation, Zerubavel 1 , the crown was returned.


Malbim: I will pervert the crown three times. Nebuchadnetzar took it from Yehoyakim, Yechanyah and Tzidkiyah.


She'alti'el is mentioned seven times in Tanach. It says six times "Zerubavel ben She'alti'el", and "u'Vnei Yechanyah Asir She'alti'el Bno; u'Malkiram u'Fdayah?; u'Vnei Fdayah She'alti'el" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 3:17-19). Radak explains that elsewhere, Zerubavel is called the son of his grandfather, and "u'Vnei Yechanyah Asir She'alti'el Bno" means that means that She'alti'el was Asir's son, like Metzudas David says there. There, Radak said that also She'alti'el was Yechanyah's son! Vayikra Rabah (10:5) says that Yechanyah or Hashem is called Asir! (PF)


Why does it say "Gam Zos Lo Hayah"?


Rashi: Also Gedalyah's [authority] will not last.


Radak: Also this lowering was not to the crown. Even though Yoshiyah's sons Yeho'achaz, Yehoyakim and Yehoyachin were liable, and each one was stricken by himself, the crown was not removed until Nebuchadnetzar came in the days of Tzidkiyah.


Malbim: The kingship will not last. It will cease.


Who is "[Ad Bo] Asher Lo ha'Mishpat [u'Nesativ]"?


Rashi: I will put My Mishpat on him (Yishmael ben Nesanyah, to take My vengeance).


Radak: I will give Mishpat (authority) in his (Zerubavel's) hand, for he took it from Tzidkiyah, who was liable.


Malbim: The kingship will cease until comes the one for whom the crown is destined ? Melech ha'Mashi'ach, and I will give it to him.

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