
What is the meaning of "Hashav El Tarah"?


Rashi: Wait until the sword against Yisrael returns to its case. After He takes his vengeance against Yisrael, He will return against you!


Rashi (36): The time will come when the sword will return to its case and it will receive its punishment from the kings of Madai.


Radak: Hashav is Makor (infinitive). There is a Patach under the Shin, in place of a Tzeirei. This is said in astonishment. Do you think that I will return the sword to its case after it cuts off Yisrael?! No! I will not return it until I judge you with it!


Malbim: I tell you that it was a false vision; I command you to return your sword to its case.


How will Hashem judge you/


Malbim: Yishmael and his men will return to Rabas Bnei Amon, and there I will judge you for this murder. Nebuchadnetzar will come to your land "bi'Mkom Asher Nivreisa" ? he will kill Bnei Amon, where the sword was born. It is also "Eretz Mechurosayich" where Yishmael and his men lived.

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