
Why does it say "la'Esh Tihyeh Le'achlah"?


Radak: Tihyeh is second person for a male. It says also "Damech" and "Sizacheri" (female)! We find like this ? male corresponds to the Am, and female to Kenesiyah and Edah (congregation). Both of them mean the spiritual Nefesh.


What is the significance of your blood being in the ground?


Radak: This is the opposite of "Al Techasi Dami" (Iyov 16:18). I.e. your blood will not be avenged ? "Lo Sizacheri."


Malbim: The blood that you spilled will be in the ground ? there in your land, He will take vengeance against you. He will kill you, and not exile you, which would leave memory of you. Rather, He will eradicate you, and you will not be remembered.

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