
What will all flesh see?


Radak: That I brought the evil to Yerushalayim. So said "Rav Tabachim l'Yirmeyah? Hashem Elokecha Diber Es ha'Ra'ah ha'Zos El ha'Makom ha'Zeh; va'Yavo va'Ya'as Hashem Ka'asher Diber Ki Chatasem la'Shem v'Lo Shematem b'Kolo" (Yirmeyah 40:3).


Malbim: That I burned it with Hashgachah. Natural fire consumes dry, and extinguishes when it reaches the moist. I burned the moist first, so it will not extinguish.


What is the meaning of "Bi'artiha Lo Sichbeh"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan #1: I will bring them; I will not refrain.


Targum Yonasan #2: I will burn it; it will not extinguish.


Malbim (10): When I will remove My sword from its scabbard, nothing will stop it.

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