What is the significance of dwelling in the Midbar?
Rashi (here and verse 9, from Rosh Hashanah 31a): Like verse 9, this is a Nevu'ah that the Shechinah will depart from Yisrael, who are like a quarrelsome wife.
R. Yonah, Malbim: This is the only way to avoid quarrels with her (refer to 21:9:2:1-2 and the note there).
Verse 9 said that it is better to dwell on the corner of the roof than in Beis Chaver with a quarrelsome wife. Why does our verse say that it is better to dwell in the Midbar than [with] a quarrelsome wife and anger?
Refer to 21:9:2:1-2 and the note there.