
What is the meaning of "He'ez Ish Rasha Befanav"?


Rashi: A Rasha shows audacity at the time of his anger.


R. Yonah: This is connected to "Ed Kezavim Yoved" (28). When a Rasha testifies or makes a false claim, he intentionally strengthens and brazens his face, in order that people will believe his words. He fears lest people understand his words and recognize from his face that he lies and deceives. Man's nature is to be ashamed of Sheker. Therefore he brazens his face [to hide this]. These verses arrange all the bad Midos, beginning with "Zed Yahir Letz Shmo" (refer to 21:24:1:2*). After, they discuss an Atzel (25-26). It interrupts with "Zevach Resha'im To'evah" (27), for it discusses Midos of Resha'im. Also, it said "v'Tzadik Yiten" (26), for his deeds are pleasing, and [in contrast] "Zevach Resha'im To'evah." Here it discusses the Midah of audacity; it precedes this with "Ed Kezavim" (28), for Sheker leads to audacity. A liar needs audacity, lest people recognize the Sheker from his face. It does not mention regret, for it is good to regret the [bad] Midos in most people from birth.


Orchos Tzadikim Sha'ar ha'Azus DH ha'Az: This teaches that an Az (brazen person) is called a Rasha.


Malbim: Sometimes a Rasha is brazen to deny another's tradition that he heard from ancient Kadosh sources. In every generation, people arise and deny the tradition, since it is not understood by itself; it is known only via tradition.


Why does it say "v'Yashar Hu Yavin Darko"?


R. Yonah: His brazen face will not help against a straight person. He will not refrain from investigating due to the Rasha's brazen face. In the end, he will reach the true judgment. A Yashar knows the Midah of a Rasha, that he brazens his face when he claim or testifies Sheker, as if it is clear Emes. It is also possible that he recognizes on his face that he speaks Sheker, for amidst his great fear lest he be contradicted, he brazens his face more than people who speak Emes do.


Malbim: Yashar is one whose nature is straight. Via Binah, he understands a matter amidst another matter using straight Sechel and Midos. He understands the way of Emes via his vast Binah, and he can refute the deniers via his straight Binah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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