
What is the meaning of "Ve'asesah es Tzipornehah"?


Rashi and Ramban #1 (both citing R. Akiva in Yevamos, 48a), Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means that she must let her nails grow long 1 (Because, like letting her hair grow long, the Pasuk is referring to making herself ugly - Sifri).


Ramban #2 (citing R. Eliezer in Yevamos 48a): It means to cut her nails. 2


Ramban: Because 'Asiyah' is an expression of 'fixing' - like "Ve'asas es ha'Tevu'ah" in B'har Vayikra, 25:21, and "Vaya'as Elokim es ha'Raki'a" - Rashi in Bereishis, 1:7. See also Ramban DH 've'Al Da'as Raboseinu'.


Ramban: As in Shmuel 2, 19:25 "ve'Lo Asah RagLa'av, ve'Lo Asah S'famo". See Ramban DH 've'Al Da'as Raboseinu'.


Why is the Y'fas To'ar commanded to do her nails and shave off her hair?


Rashi (citing the Sifri): In order to make her look ugly. 1


Ramban: Because shaving one's hair 2 and cutting one's nails 3 is a sign of mourning, because she has been separated from her father and mother - as the Torah indicates in Pasuk 13.


To induce the captor to send her away and not to marry her.


Ramban: See Iyov 1:20, and Yirmiyah, 7:29.


Ramban: Which women tend to grow and paint.


What are the implications of "Vahaveisah el Toch Beisecha"?


Kidushin 22a: It teaches us that he may not oppress her (by being intimate with her in the field). 1


Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim, Riva a Rosh: It means that one may only force her to change her garments after bringing her home after the war.


Riva: It implies that he should treat her like a wife and take her into his house (room), and not belittle her by being intimate with her in another room.


R. Tam (in Kidushin, Ibid.): With reference to the second time - but the first time is permitted.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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