
What is the meaning of "Nicham"?


Radak: This is Nif'al Omed (they regretted what happened to Binyamin. They did not console Binyamin), for there is Kamatz under the Ches.


Above (verse 6), it says "va'Yinachamu Bnei Yisrael." Why does it say here "veha'Am Nicham"?


Malbim: Above, only the leaders who seek the good of the nation regretted, Now that there were wives for 400, there was no concern for the Shevet dying out. Amidst appeasing them and speaking peaceably, the entire nation regretted the entire matter. They turned to love, and wanted to find wives also for the remaining 200.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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