
What is the meaning of "Atzurah Lanu"?


Rashi: It is like Atzurah Mimenu (our wives were withheld from us; we are Tehorim).


Radak: Even if a woman was with us when I left three days ago, we became Tehorim afterwards.


Why did he say "Chlei ha'Ne'arim Kodesh"?


Rashi: Their Kelim (Radak - garments) are Tehorim.


What is the meaning of "v'Hu Derech Chol"?


Rashi citing R. Shimon (Menachos 95b): The Lechem ha'Panim had been removed from the Shulchan. It is close to Chulin, i.e. Me'ilah no longer applies to it, since it was permitted to Kohanim), it is like Chulin.


R. Yehudah (Menachos 95b): David found Kohanim baking Lechem ha'Panim on Erev Shabbos, and corrected them. Do you bake on a Chol day, even though it will become Mekudash in a Kli (the oven)?! It will become Nifsal through Linah! (Rather, you must bake it on Shabbos. 1 )


Radak: Even though we did not expect to need to eat Kodesh bread, we were Metaher ourselves, like people who prepare to travel.


Ralbag: We eat our Chulin Al Taharas (in Taharah, as if it was) Kodesh.


Malbim: They conducted with the Terumas Lachmei Todah like Chulin; it was not waved in front of Hashem l'Shem Terumah. Refer to 21:5:1:1**, 21:5:1:2


Granted, Tana'im years after the Churban argue about this. How could they err in the days of David? Who would be the first to deviate from or question how Lechem ha'Panim was baked every week from the days of Moshe and Aharon?! Both opinions forbid baking on the wrong day, due to Chilul Shabbos or disqualifying Kodshim! Perhaps the custom was to put them in the oven on Erev Shabbos, and the baking finished by itself on Shabbos. (Daf Al ha'Daf Menachos 95b, citing Yeshu'os Yakov OC 255, asked why baking overrides Shabbos, since one may do like this; Linah disqualifies only if it finished baking before night.) Kohanei Nov held that the Torah permits to fully bake them during the day; it was a Hidur that they finish baking on Shabbos. Perhaps the custom ceased due to concern for error, lest they begin baking at night. They needed to begin close to night, for Lechem ha'Panim was baked quickly in a very hot oven, lest it become Chametz (Beitzah 22b). Only Hashem knows precisely when the day ends! David held that the Torah permits baking them on Shabbos, even though there are ways to avoid Melaches Shabbos. (Haktaras Eimurim overrides Shabbos, even though one could do it at night, or two Kohanim could throw them on the fire together, to avoid a Melachah for which one is liable!) The custom was a Hidur to put them in the oven on Erev Shabbos. (PF)


Why did he say "v'Af Ki ha'Yom Yekadesh ba'Keli"?


Rashi (citing Menachos 95b): David said, even if it was put on the table today (and Me'ilah applies to it), you would need to remove it and feed us, for Bulmus had seized him [he was dangerously sick].


Radak: We were Metaher ourselves even when we did not expect to need to eat Kodesh bread,] and all the more so today, that we will have 1 Lechem Kodesh.


I.e. we knew that we will come to Nov, and expected to get Lechem Kodesh there.



Rashi writes that Bulmus had seized David. Why did he reach such danger?


Radak (22:19, citing Sanhedrin 104a): Hospitality is great. One who neglects it b'Shogeg is considered Mezid. Had Yonason given David two loaves of bread, (David would not have needed to ask the Kohanim for bread, and) Sha'ul would not have killed the Kohanim of Nov, Do'eg would not have lost his share in the world to come, and Sha'ul and his three sons would not have been killed.

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