
Why does it say "Lifnei Hashem"?


Radak: The Aron was there and the Urim v'Tumim when David and Yisrael gathered to ask about the famine. They did not separate until they called the Giv'onim and the episode finished.


Why is "Shevatam" written with a Yud?


Radak #1: It is twice seven, like "Shiv'asayim Yukam Kayin" (Bereishis 4:24). It says (is written like) Shiv'asayim, because no seed remained from them.


Radak #2: The Yud hints to Mefivoshes ben Yehonason, who was lacking from (not killed with) them. It is pronounced Shevatam, i.e. the seven of them, like "Sheloshtam" (Bamidbar 12:4).


Why does it say that they fell together?


Radak: They were hung together. 'Falling' is death.


Why is it written v'Hem, and we pronounce it v'Hemah?


Radak: They mean the same. I already wrote (refer to 15:21:1:1) that different texts were found after exile [in Bavel]. The pronunciation follows the majority text [and it is written like the other version]. Likewise, it is written Techilas, and we pronounce is bi'Schilas.


When is the beginning of the harvest?


Rashi: It is in Nisan (Radak citing Bamidbar Rabah 8:4 - Nisan 16 1 ). Malbim - when [David] saw that there was virtually nothing to harvest, he sought Hashem, and immediately went to fix the wrongdoing.


Bamidbar Rabah 8:4: The day that we reap the Omer.

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