
Why does the Torah not include Lavan, who was older than Rivka?


Ramban: The Torah is listing (exclusively) the children that Milkah bore to Nachor. It only incorporates Rivka because the Parshah is concerned with her Yichus; and Aram to teach us who Kemu'el (who is not as well-known as his son).


Do we find Utz and Kemu'el anywhere else?


Da'as Zekenim: The Midrash says that Utz is Iyov, 1 who lived in Eretz Utz. Kemu'el is Bil'am, who was Kam (stood up) against the nation of Kel. 2


This is unlike the opinion that Iyov's 210 years coincided with the Egyptian exile (see Bava Basra 15a-b). Perhaps this is like the opinion there that he married Dinah. (PF)


This is unlike Sanhedrin 106b, which says that he lived only 33 years. However, that Gemara is unlike the Midrash that says that he counseled Pharaoh to drown babies of Yisrael. (PF)

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