
What is the meaning of "ha'Timloch"?


Rashi: Will you live so long? [Why do] you compete to impose your authority, to inform that you are king?


Radak: Do you think to remain in your kingship so long for this pleasure, that you enjoy nice houses built through extortion?!


Malbim: Do you think that the foundation of kingship is to have a big house?!


What is the meaning of "Mesachareh v'Erez"?


Radak: You mix with cedar, i.e. a building of cedar, and you are tied to it for your pleasure.


Radak based on Targum Yonasan: David is called Erez, for he was like Arzei ha'Levanon.


Why does it say "Avicha Achal v'Shasah"?


Rashi: Yoshiyah conducted with humility. He ate, drank and saw good his entire life!


Radak #1: I would not criticize you for your pleasure, if you did Mishpat and Tzedakah. Your father Yoshiyah ate and drank like kings do, and enjoyed his good (wealth). Since he did Mishpat and Tzedakah, it was good for him his entire life. However, you benefit from the good of this world in a bad way. Your buildings that you benefit from them, they are not proper and legal, rather, through others' money. Also your food, drink and other pleasures are via extortion - "your eyes and heart are only on your desire for money" (verse 17).


Radak #2: Yehoyakim used to fast constantly. He thought that his fasts pay (compensate) for his evil deeds. Therefore, Hashem said "your father ate


Why does it say "Az Tov Lo"?


Malbim: It is not good for a king to seek good of his body, rather, good of the Klal.

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