
Why does it say "Ali ha'Levanon v'Tza'aki"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Ascend to the Beis ha'Mikdash, and scream. Radak - also Targum Onkelos of "ha'Har ha'Tov ha'Zeh veha'Levanon" (Devarim 3:25) is u'Veis Mikdesha. Also Chazal (Yuma 39b) said, it is called ha'Levanon because it is Malbin (whitens) the sins of Yisrael.


Radak: Lament on Har ha'Levanon. One who screams from a mountain, his voice is heard from afar. See if you will have help from all your beloved, i.e. Ashur and Egypt, which you relied on, and you removed your reliance from me. Now that your downfall comes, you will scream to them, if they will help you. Also they will be broken. Melech Ashur was broken, and Nebuchadnetzar broke also Egypt in the days of Yehoyakim - "Melech Mitzrayim did not leave his land any more, for Melech Bavel took from Nachal Mitzrayim until Nehar Pras, all that was of Melech Mitzrayim" (Melachim II, 24:7). Even though later, in the days of Tzidkiyah, it says "v'Cheil Pharaoh Yatza mi'Mitzrayim" (below, 37:5), in the end Nebuchadnetzar won, and destroyed Egypt.


Malbim: I told you to scream about Yisrael being exiled from places around Eretz Yisrael, via Sancheriv.


Why should the voice be raised for ha'Bashan?


Rashi: It will be destroyed.


Targum Yonasan: Raise your voice in the gates of Har ha'Bayis. Rashi - I do not know how Bashan refers to this, if not for the doors, which are made of oak wood of Bashan (a place). Or, perhaps Bashan refers to a spacious valley. So Har ha'Bayis was a spacious area around the Beis ha'Mikdash. Radak - perhaps it is because ha'Bashan was a place where animals graze, and there were always animals in the Beis ha'Mikdash for Korbanos.


Radak: Lament on Har ha'Bashan. One who screams from a mountain, his voice is heard from afar.


Malbim: Refer to 22:20:1:3.


Why does it say "v'Tza'aki me'Avarim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Scream over Megizasa (a place 1 ).


Radak: Scream from every side, and see that it will not help, for all your beloved were broken.


Malbim: Refer to 22:20:1:3.


Targum Yonasan often translates a place where they cross water 'Megizasa'. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Nishberu Kol Me'ahavayich"?


Malbim: After most of Yisrael were exiled, your strength was weakened. You needed to worry that the cup of punishments will pass on you!

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