
Does "Ish" refer to one man?


Radak: It was not only one man, like "v'Ish Ba mi'Ba'al Shalishah" (Melachim II, 4:42). Rather, it is any man, like "Ish mi'Zar'acha", "v'Ish Ki Yiten Mum ba'Amiso" (Vayikra 21:17, 24:19). The same applies to "v'Ish Es Kalaso? v'Ish Es Achoso."


Why does it say "Inu" regarding his sister?


Radak: Usually, a man has Bi'ah with her in his father's house, and she is still a Besulah 1 .


Breaking the Besulim hurts her. (PF)

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