Why is "ha'Sishpot" repeated?
Radak: It is to strengthen the matter, like "ha'Akeh Akeh" (Melachim II, 6:21). If you will judge it, see its deeds! Targum Yonasan is 'dispute.'
Malbim: (a) If you want to judge them, why they were obligated to be wiped out. (b) If you want to know the reason for its punishment.
What is "Ir ha'Damim"?
Rashi: It is Yerushalayim. Radak ? even though it was a city of idolatry and other abominations, the greatest sin was spilling innocent blood. Also regarding Menasheh, after mentioning all his abominations, it says "v'Gam Dam Naki Shafach Menasheh" (Melachim II, 21:16).
Malbim: This is due to the murders inside the city, or the blood of the bodies that the enemy killed.
Why should he inform it of its abominations?
Radak: The judgment is verbal ? tell it that based on its deeds, it is liable for all the evil that comes on it, and more.
Malbim: Show it that the judgment is proper.