
What did Hashem request?


Radak: Perhaps there is a man who will fence the breaches and stand in the breach, lest Resha'im pass through. The breaches are Aveiros. One who fences them and stands up against the unruly and returns them to the good path. He will pray for the land that it not be destroyed, like Moshe ? "Lulei Moshe Bechiro Amad ba'Peretz Lefanav Lehashiv Chamaso me'Hashchis" (Tehilim 106:23).


Malbim: This is the Nimshal of not finding Kesef amidst the Sigim (18). He sought a man to fix the breaches and the generation, or at least to stand in the breach (his merit will protect the generation), and not let the destroyer strike. He did not find such a man.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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