What is "[Asaper] Kol Atzmosai"?
Rashi: The pain of my bones.
Radak #1: Refer to 22:18:2:2.
Radak #2: I am so weak and thin, that I can count all my bones.
Malbim: I will tell in front of them Atzmosai (my essence), strength and Gevurah, even though they will look at me scornfully.
What is the meaning of "Hemah Yabitu Yir'u Vi"?
Rashi: They rejoice at my fall.
Radak #1: [If I will tell their great officers what the small ones did to me,] they will look at me with disgrace and hatred. Yir'u is seeing scornfully and mockingly, like "Al Tir'uni she'Ani Shecharchores" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:6), "l'Ra'avah Vach" (Yechezkel 28:17).
Radak #2: They see my bad appearance, and mock me.
Malbim: Refer to 22:18:1:4.