
What is the meaning of "Einei Hashem Natzru Da'as"?


R. Yonah: It is as if it says Ish Da'as. Also "va'Ani Sefilah" (Tehilim 109:4) - I am an Ish Tefilah. Ish Da'as is Ish Emes; Da'as is Emes. I.e. he loves Da'as and Emes 1 . No harm will come to him via pursuing Emes - not to flatter a Rasha. "Tzidkas Yesharim Tatzilem" (11:6). Our verse is next to "Ohev Tehar Lev" because one reaches the level of pure love - without intent to receive reward - only via love of Da'as, Emes and straightness. This will benefit you tremendously when you come to investigate the way of love of the Creator.


Malbim: There is no proof for the laws of Chachmah. They are received. Evilim despise its laws and cast doubt on them. Also Tevunah and Sechel (intellect), even though they are from investigations of the Sechel, not many contemplate. They can contemplate only if they have foundations on which their investigations are based. However, it was Hashgachas Hashem to put Da'as (axioms) in man's heart, and inference from later to earlier via the senses. Via them, he gets clear Da'as. Then he can use the power of Binah to derive a matter from a matter - "Einei Hashem Natzru Da'as."


R. Yonah: Similarly, Yashar is one who loves straightness and Emes. Also "Yir'ei Elokim Anshei Emes" (Shemos 18:21) love Emes.


Why does it say "va'Ysalef Divrei Boged"?


R. Yonah: He will not succeed with his lies and guile 1 . His tongue will make him stumble - "va'Yachshiluhu Aleimo Leshonam" (Tehilim 64:9).


Malbim: Hashem put Da'as in man's heart; via this, he repels the Boged's words to contradict truths.


R. Yonah: This proves that Da'as is the Midah of Yashar - he loves Da'as and straightness. Boged is the opposite of Yashar - "v'Sachas Yesharim Boged" (21:18).

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