
What are the implications of "Na'arah Besulah"?


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It implies a girl who is not betrothed.


Kesuvos, 38a: It implies "Na'arah" - 've'Lo Bogeres'; "Besulah" - 've'Lo Be'ulah' - If the girl is a Bogeres or a Be'ula 1 (not a virgin) or married, the rapist is precluded from the Dinim mentioned in the Pasuk.


See Torah Temimah, note 192.


What are the implications of the words "Asher Lo Orasah"?


Kesuvos, 38a: It implies that, if the Na'arah became divorced after the betrothal, the K'nas goes to her and not to her father. 1


Kesuvos, 38a #2: We learn via a Gezeirah Shavah "Asher Lo Orasah" "Asher Lo Orasah" from Mefutah - in Mishpatim, Sh'mos, 22:15, that, just as there, he pays Shekalim, so too, here, and that, just as here he pays fifty Shekalim, so too there there.


Like the opinion of R. Akiva in the Mishnah in Kesuvos 38a.

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