
Why did he gather everyone, from Katan to Gadol, to make a Bris (verse 3)?


'Rashi' (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:30), Malbim: He was afraid because the Sefer was found rolled to the curses, (Yuma 52b), which conclude "Eleh Divrei ha'Bris" (Devarim 28:69). [Shortly] after, Moshe gathered "Kulchem


To which Nevi'im did he send?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: "Nevi'im" refers to Chachamim. He sent to Chuldah, because there were not other Nevi'im. Also "Shofet v'Navi" (Yeshayah 3:2) he translates 'judge and Chacham.'


Radak: It can truly mean Nevi'im. Yirmeyah and Tzefanyah were Nevi'im at the time, and perhaps also Uriyahu. They were not in Yerushalayim when Chilkiyah found the Sefer. Now that the king called Yehudah, also the Nevi'im came.


Why does it say that he read "Es Kol Divrei ha'Sefer ha'Bris"?


Refer to 23:2:1:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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