
What is "Mezimos"?


Rashi: It is intent [Malbim - to take vengeance against them].


Will they contemplate this only in the end of days (Yemos ha'Mashi'ach)?


Radak: Yes. Until that time, they do not contemplate this Nevu'ah, for they do not see eradication of Resha'im. It says Tisbonenu (second person) to hint to Techiyas ha'Mesim in Yemos ha'Mashi'ach (you yourselves will be revived, and will contemplate this).


Malbim: Yes. Only then, they will realize that Hashem punished them for sinning against Him.


Why does it mention Binah after Tisbonenu?


Radak: This is additional explanation, to strengthen the action, like "Katzaf Hashem Al Avoseichem Katzef" (Zecharyah 1:2), "va'Yatzam David Tzom" (Shmuel II, 12:16), "Lema'an Tevo'ach Tevach" (Yechezkel 21:15) and similar verses.

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