
Why should Tzidon be ashamed?


Rashi: It was joined to Tzor [to be destroyed like it].


Rashi citing Sifri (Nasa 42, b'Sof): The sea says, I do not have sons and daughters to worry for them, lest they be punished for my sin, and I do not deviate from my Master's command and pass the border of sand that He set for me (Yirmeyah 5:22) - all the more so Tzidon should be shamed, for it has [children] to worry about all this!


Radak: The place of its trade (Tzur) was destroyed.


Malbim: The Navi retracts from its earlier words (2, that Tzidon should not be sad, for it will gain from the fall of Tzor). You rejoiced in vain over its fall, and that its commerce was transferred to you. Due to your success, now the enemy will come to destroy you!


What is "Yam Ma'oz ha'Yam"?


Rashi: Tzor, the primary capitol, which sits protected by the sea.


Radak: Tzor, whose trade was via the sea, and it was the strongest city on the sea shore. (When it saw its demise, it said


What is the meaning of "Lo Chalti v'Lo Yaladti


Rashi: 'It is as if I did not have birth contractions and I did not give birth to youths, for all of them were killed; it is as if I did not raise virgins.' 1 Radak - today I am desolate and bereft.' It is compared to a woman who had birth contractions, gave birth and raised children. This is like "Ki Chalah Gam Yaldah Tziyon Es Baneha" (66:8).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: If only I did not have birth contractions


Rashi says that Yonason translates so. Our text is slightly different; refer to 23:4:3:2.

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