
What is the meaning of "Ka'asher Shama l'Mitzrayim"?


Rashi: That they heard about Egypt - that I brought 10 plagues against them, and in the end they drowned in the sea.


Radak: When Egypt will hear that Tzor was destroyed, they will fear for themselves, just like the residents of Tzor feared when they heard that Nebuchadnetzar comes to fight them. First he destroyed Tzor, and afterwards Egypt, like it says explicitly in Yechezkel.


Malbim: When Egypt will hear that Tzidon fell, they will fear like when they heard that Tzor fell. Just like the Egyptians lost their wealth via the fall of Tzor, where their merchandise was, now they lost in Tzidon.


What is "Yachilu"?


Rashi: They are confounded.


Why does it say "k'Shema Tzor"?


Rashi: When people hear about Tzor, for also it will be stricken like the plagues of Egypt - blood and fire 1 are like Makas Dam, "Kol Sha'on me'Ir" (66:6) is like the croaking of frogs, "its rivers will turn to tar 2 and its earth to sulfur" (34:9) is like lice (every bit of earth became a louse); "vi'Yreshu'ah Ka'as v'Kipod" (34:11) is like Arov; "v'Nishpateti Ito b'Dever" (Yechezkel 38:22) is Dever; "Hamek Besaro" (Zecharyah 14:12) is like boils; "v'Charas ha'Zalzalim" (above, 18:6 - cutting the vine branches) is like hail and locusts; "v'Tevach Gadol b'Eretz Edom" (34:6) is like Makas Bechoros. This is like the opinion that Tzur is Romi of Edom 3 . If it is truly Tzor, because the sea covered it, it says "Ka'asher Shama l'Mitzrayim 4 ." Presumably, it discusses the city Tzor, for it mentions Tzidon with it (4).


Why did Rashi mention fire with blood? Fire was in Makas Barad (Shemos 9:24), but Rashi did not say so. It seems that Rashi cites "Dam va'Esh" (Yo'el 3:3; afterwards (4:4), it mentions punishing Tzor and Tzidon. - PF)


Some texts of Rashi end with 'to tar.' Perhaps Rashi cited also the rivers transforming to tar because it is like Makas Dam. (PF)


Rashi (Megilah 6a): Tzor is the head of Edom. Bereishis Rabah (Sof 61) - only when "Tzor" is written without a Vov, it is of Edom.


I.e. almost all these verses discuss Edom. (Yechezkel discusses Gog, and also Zecharyah, according to Rashi Zecharyah 14:1), and also below (66:6, according to Radak). Midrash ha'Gadol (Bereishis 49:1) implies that Gog is from Edom; other Midrashim imply otherwise. If Tzur is not of Edom, its punishments did not resemble the plagues. Rather, it is compared to Egypt, for water will cover them. (PF)

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