
How did she add to her Zenus?


Rashi: She lusted for images that she never saw them, only their likenesses. Malbim ? afterwards, Malchus Ashur ceased. Nebuchadnetzar conquered Ninveh in his first year, became the head of Malchus Ashur, and put Ashur's throne in Bavel. [Yehudah] lusted for the Kasdim's images.


Why does it say "Anshei Mechukah"? Is this Samuch?


Radak: No, it is as if it says Anashim. The same applies to "Chalonei Shekufim" (Melachim I, 6:4) and similar verses.


What is the meaning of "Mechukah Al ha'Kir"?


Radak: They are engraved on and drawn in the wall 1 . Amidst her great desire for them, their garments and their deeds, she etched them in the wall to see them constantly. She wanted to mix with them in their Avodah and gods; all their laws and deeds were straight in her eyes ? "va'Yis'arvu va'Goyim va'Yilmedu Ma'aseihem" (Tehilim 106:35). This is like it says above (8:10) "v'Chol Gilulei Beis Yisrael Mechukeh Al Kir Saviv Saviv." Rashi ? Ahalah did not do so!


Malbim: This is one of the ways in which [Yehudah] recognized that they are images of Kasdim, even though they did not recognize Kasdim. Also refer to 23:14:4:2, 23:14:6:3, 23:15:4:2.


What are the images of Kasdim?


Rashi: The images of people of Bavel. They are different [than others] in their dress.


Malbim: They were made like the handiwork of the Kasdim.


Kasdim is written with two Yudim, and we pronounce it with only one!


Radak: We find like this ? "Elokei ha'Ivrim" (Shemos 3:18). Usually it is pronounced Kasdim.


What is "Shashar"?


Rashi: It is kinds of illustration.


Radak: This is a Klal for ingredients used to draw. Also Yonason translates so.


Malbim: It is a dye that only Kasdim used. This was another Siman that the images are of Kasdim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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