
Why does it say "Al Tis'av l'Mat'amosav"?


Rashi: [If you think that your Rebbi cannot answer your question,] refrain from it. Go in front of a proper Rebbi, and do not embarrass your Rebbi with questions that he does not know to answer.


R. Yonah: Do not strive to be one who eats on the king's table, in order to eat delicacies.


Malbim: Due to the delicacies themselves, one should not desire them.


What is "Lechem Kezavim"?


R. Yonah: This is like "Asher Lo Yechazevu Meimav" (Yeshayah 58:11. If one sits with [the king, and eats at his table] many days, afterwards he will separate and seek the pleasures he is used to. He will deplete his money and wax poor - "Ki Sovei v'Zolel Yivaresh" (21). The verse warns against coming close to authorities; this is one of the matters that makes a person transgress his Da'as and Hashem's (Eruvin 41b).


Malbim: The delicacies are false food. The ruler does not give them for you - not for your benefit, to feed you or honor you. It is only for his benefit. It is a preparation for what he will request from you.


Malbim (Mashal): This is a Mashal for the ruler in man - his Yetzer and power of arousal that rules over the body. In Koheles, it is called "Melech Zaken u'Chsil" (Koheles 4:13). It is what summonses the real person - the powers of his intellect - to eat his bread. One must know who sits in front of him, and beware if his enticements, lest he expand his Nefesh that desires to breach the border, and not to desire extra delicacies, only the required amount [that he needs to eat]. It is false food; it is not food of the Nefesh and the human side of man, rather, his animal side.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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