
What does the Torah mean when it writes "Ki Hashem Elokecha Mis'halech be'Kerev Machanecha"?


Rashbam: It means that when they went to war, they took the Aron with them. 1


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It refers to the Shechinah, that would accompany them into battle.


Rashbam: See Bamidbar, 31:6. Refer also to 23:11:2:1.


What are the ramifications of the phrase "Vehayah Machanecha Kadosh"?


Rashi (in Shabbos, 150a): The location of the camp of Yisrael should be holy (devoid of things that are disgusting) because a Yisrael is always thinking about Divrei Torah - which is forbidden in a location where there is something repulsive.


Seforno: The camp should be devoid of Tum'ah and things that are repulsive.


Yere'im 392 (in Pasuk 12 in old editions): One may not say Divrei Kedushah where there is nakedness - even of a Nochri 1 - because Ervah drives the Shechinah away.


SeMaG (Asei 119), Seifer ha'Chinuch 566 & 567: It is the reason for the Mitzvos (SeMaG ? Mitzvah) of having a location for a bathroom and a Kli to dig and cover excrement, in a camp that goes to war.


SeMaK (Mitzvah 57): It is a Mitzvah to be modest. In the bathroom one should expose only what is necessary, 2 even at night. It includes modesty in intimacy, and covering excrement, and distancing oneself from excrement and urine during Tefilah..


Seifer Charedim (Lo Sa'aseh 4, based on the Zohar): It is a La'av against obscene speech. 3


B'rachos, 25a: It is a prohibition against reciting the Sh'ma in front of Tzo'ah - even if it is merely passing by. 4


Shabbos 150a: It is a prohibition against thinking Divrei Torah in a bathhouse or a bathroom. 5


Sifri: It is a prohibition against a. reciting the Sh'ma beside a pool where laundry is being soaked or b. entering a tannery or a bathhouse carrying Sefarim or Tefilin; c. going on to the Har ha'Bayis with one's staff, wearing shoes or with the dust on one's feet. 6


See Torah Temimah citing Shabbos, 150a and note 74.


A woman, one Tefach, a man, two. See Oznayim la'Torah DH 've'Lo Yir'eh b'cha Ervas Davar', who learns it from the juxtaposition of "ve'Lo Yir'eh b'cha Ervas Davar" to Vehayah Shivt'cha Chutz".


How can "Vehyah" be considered a La'av?


See Torah Temimah, note 70.


See Torah Temimah, note 71.


See Torah Temimah, note 72.


What What are the connotations of "Ervas Davar"?


Rashi #1: It means that Hashem should not see any nakedness among you.


Rashi #2, Ramban and Targum Onkelos: It refers to Giluy Arayos (adultery). 1


Seforno and Targum Yonasan: It refers to Tum'ah, excrement and the like, or someone who is Pasul - whose genealogy is tainted 2 - all of which drive the Shechinah away.


Ibn Ezra: It refers to immoral deeds and obscene speech.


Shabbos 150a: It is a La'av against reciting the Sh'ma in front of a person who is naked - even a Nochri 3 - "Ervas Davar" - 'Ervas Medaber'. 4


Bava Metzi'a 114b: See answer #5. By the same token, someone whose body is not properly covered is not permitted to separate Terumah - since he is fobidden to recite the B'rachah 5 (or to recite the Sh'ma ? Yerushalmi T'rumos, 1:4).


Refer also to 23:10:2:4*.


Seforno (citing Kidushin, 70b): The Shechinah only rests on families of good lineage in Yisrael - which is why the Chachamim said that 'Whoever was included in the list of officers of the kings of the House of David was, without doubt, of pure pedigree'


Even though Nochrim are compared to donkeys. See Torah Temimah, note 74.


See Torah Temimah, citing Yerushalmi T'rumos, 1:4, and note 76.


See Torah Temimah, note 75.


What are the implications of the word "ve'Lo Yir'eh b'cha Ervas Davar"


Oznayim la'Torah: It implies that, not only may one not recite the Shema in front of the nakedness of others, but that one may not do so even of one is oneself not properly covered. 1


Sotah, 3b: Before Yisrael sinned (regarding Arayos - Rashi) 2 the Shechinah rested inside every Jew - as implied in this Pasuk. After they sinned however, it departed. 3


Refer to 23:15:3:6.


It is likely that this refers to the sin of Ba'al Pe'or.


Refer to 23: 15:4:4. However, the Shechinah continues to rest in Yisrael communally - even in Galus, as is evident from many Pesukim and Divrei Chazal.


What is the significance of the fact that the Torah mentions covering by Tz'o'ah and not seeing by Ervah?


Berachos, 25a: Consequently, If one covers Tzo'ah with a glass lantern, one is permitted to recite the Shema, but not iin front of Ervah that is visible through glass. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 73.


What are the implications of the words "ve'Shav me'Acharecha"?


Seforno: It implies that 'when you turn the backs of your necks to Hashem - regarding one of the above - He will forsake you'.


Alshich: If there will be lecherousness among you, Hashem will turn away fom you and become your enemy from behind, and you will be vanquished in front and in the back. 1


Ha'amek Davar: "Ervas Davar" removes the awe and honor of the Shechinah from a person - which is why the Chachamim forbade even to think Divrei Torah in a bathroom or in a bathhouse and to learn Torah in front of a person who is not properly covered.


Sifri: It implies that Arayos (in its various forms) drives away the Shechinah. 2


Alshich: Because even if one thing that separates you from Hashem, He will depart, and many evils will befall you due to your your Yeitzer ha'Ra.


Refer to 23:15:3:1:2. It does not however, negate Torah. See Torah Temimah, citing Sotah, 21a.

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