
What more should they prepare?


Radak: Seek and see well so you will know his exact location. Malbim - he makes himself seem to be close, but really he is far, so I will come and he will evade me.


Why did he say "Mi Ra'ahu Sham"?


Malbim: Perhaps his men are among you, and he is elsewhere, one of his confidents will [falsely] tell you where he is. Ensure that the one who tells you is trustworthy!


Who told Sha'ul "Arom Ya'arim Hu"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: The verse does not say who told him. Radak - this is like "va'Yomer l'Yosef" (Bereishis 48:1)


Radak: David himself told me, when I asked him, how he strikes so many Pelishtim,and guards himself from them.


Malbim: The spy that I sent to investigate about him.


What is the meaning of "Arom Ya'arim Hu"?


Rashi: He acts craftily - today he is here, and tomorrow elsewhere, so his place will not be known.


Radak: [To strike Pelishtim] he uses schemes and strategies, so they do not guard themselves from him. So he is doing now! He shows himself in one place, so we will seek him there, and the next day he is elsewhere.

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