
Why was it called "Sela ha'Machlekos"?


Rashi based on Targum Yonasan: Sha'ul's heart was divided - should he return to save his land from Pelishtim, or chase to seize David.


Radak: It is where these (Sha'ul' men) separated from these (David's men).


Radak (citing Shochar Tov 18) #1: Sha'ul's Giborim argued about [pursuing] David. Some said, until David is in our hands, we will not leave him. Others said, the war of [saving] Yisrael has precedence. Ben Yishai is always available for us to seize!


Radak (citing Shochar Tov 18) #2: When David and his men passed there, they divided. Some descended from their horses, prostrated and blessed 'He who did for us a miracle in this place!' (Others who were not there at the time of the miracle did not descend to bless.)

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