
Why did David's men rely on the second answer? They did not rely on the first answer (verse 3)!


Malbim (4): Refer to 23:3:2:1. This time, Hashem said "Ani Nosen" - miraculously; "Es 1 Pelishtim" - the entire nation. 2


In verse 3, Malbim distinguished between Makeh Es and Makeh b'. Perhaps he similarly distinguishes between Nosen Es and Nosen b'. (PF)


Surely, he means all the Pelishtim who came to Ke'ilah. We find that Pelishtim attacked shortly after this (verse 27)! (PF)


Were their flocks in the war?!


Radak: David struck them severely and chased them to Eretz Pelishtim, and took their flocks.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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