
What is the meaning of "Min ha'Sheloshim"?


Rashi: Every "Sheloshim" in this Parshah, Yonason translates 'Giborim'.


Radak (23,24): Among the 30 Giborim mentioned after this, from Asah'el until Uriyah ha'Chiti 1 (verse 39). Malbim - Benayahu was more honored than all of the Giborim, for he was Rosh Sanhedrin, even though he did not reach the Gevurah of the first three.


Malbim (24): The Navi lists 24 Giborim from Asah'el until Pa'arei ha'Arbi (verse 35), including Ben ha'Ma'achasi (verse 34). Do not say that ha'Ma'achasi is Elifelet's grandfather [and should not be counted]. No grandfathers are named here! With the three who brought the water and the first three, there are 30.


What is the meaning of "v'El ha'Sheloshah Lo Va"?


Radak: He was not one of the first three, i.e. Adino, Elazar and Shamah.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He did not reach the Gevurah of the first three, i.e. the mighty acts that they did.


What is the meaning of "va'Ysimehu David El Mishmato"?


Radak #1: He appointed him for his counsel.


Radak #2: He appointed him over Anshei Mishmato, i.e. ha'Kereisi veha'Pleisi - "u'Venayahu ven Yehoyada Al ha'Kereisi veha'Pleisi" (20:23)

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