
Divrei ha'Yamim does not detail his sins. It says only "v'So'avosav


Radak: Our verse refers to Sefer Yirmeyah. The Parshah "Havi Boneh Beiso 1 " discusses his Aveiros.


Kli Yakar: Indeed, Chazal learned from "v'So'avosav


Yirmeyah 22:13. (The verses there do not discuss Yehoyakim until verse 18, and then it discusses his punishments, but not his Aveiros! In Divrei ha'Yamim II, 36:8 Radak said that "Sefer Malchei Yisrael vi'Yehudah" is Yirmeyah. Why is Yirmeyah called here "Sefer Divrei ha'Yamim l'Malchei Yehudah"? This requires investigation. - PF)

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