
What is the significance of the coming Nevu'ah?


Malbim: After informing him of the siege, he informs him of Churban Beis ha'Mikdash. There are three Nevu'os here corresponding to the three in Perek 21. "Sim Panecha Derech Teimanah" (21:2) was about Yerushalayim - this is the Nevu'ah of "Sefos ha'Sir" (24:3); about this, it says "Lo Nafal Aleha Goral" (6). "Hinavei Al Admas Yisrael" (21:7) is the Nevu'ah of Perek 23. "V'Hatef El Mikdashim" (ibid.) is the coming Nevu'ah.

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