
What do we learn from "He'anek [Dom]"?


Rashi: He'anek is sighing. Radak - be silent from screaming, like other Avelim do.


Radak citing Mo'ed Katan 15a: An Avel is forbidden to give Shalom or learn Torah. In these two ways, he will be like other Avelim.


Malbim: The sighing should be quiet, so no one else will hear it.


What is the meaning of "Mesim Evel Lo Sa'aseh"?


Radak, Malbim: The verse should be re-arranged. Do not do Evel Mesim. Also "Makom Sham Kever" (39:11, is like Makom Kever Sham).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Over your dead, do not do Aveilus.


What is "Pe'erecha"?


Rashi: It is Tefilin 1 (Mo'ed Katan 15a). All of these are Mitzvos of Avelim; you will do oppositely. An Avel is forbidden to wear Tefilin and shoes, and must wrap the head, and others give to him the first meal after the burial.


Radak: It is a turban - the glory of man, like "Pa'arei ha'Migba'os" (Shemos 39:28), "Pa'arei Pishtim Yihyu Al Rosham" (below, 44:18). An Avel must do Peri'as ha'Rosh, i.e. removing his turban. He sits with his head exposed from his turban, and his scarf covers his lip with the head.


Malbim: Hashem commanded him to wear his turban, and not wrap like other Avelim, and also to wear Tefilin, which are called Pe'er.


Radak: It is head Tefilin; also Yonason translates 'Totefasach.' (Radak and Abarvenel say that Chazal said that it is head Tefilin. In Mo'ed Katan and Brachos 11a it says only 'Tefilin'. Targum Yonason implies that it is head Tefilin. (PF)


What is "Lechem Anashim"?


Radak: This is like other Avelim - their neighbors send food to them.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Food of Avelim.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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