
What do we learn from "Ki Lo Sihyeh Acharis la'Ra"?


R. Yonah: Refer to 24:20:2:1-2.


Malbim: This explains why one should not be upset with Resha'im's success (19). They have no end. They will receive their punishment in the end, and their end is cut off.


Why does it say "Ner Resha'im Yid'ach"?


R. Yonah #1: Their light is not due to the attribute of their Nefesh. However, their serenity and honor are like a lamp that illuminates for a man, and the light extinguishes when the oil is finished. Also Resha'im - their measure [of liability] will fill, and their good will cease.


R. Yonah #2: This hints to the destruction of the Nefesh on the day of death. The Neshamah is compared to a lamp ("Ner Hashem Nishmas Adam" - 20:27). When a Rasha's Nefesh leaves his body, it darkens - "Tavo Ad Dor Avosav Ad Netzach Lo Yir'u Ohr" (Tehilim 49:20).


Malbim: This explains why one should not envy Resha'im's success now. The lamp that illuminates for them - their success, it flickers. It is not an illuminating lamp; it flickers, jumps and extinguishes constantly. I.e. their success is not real, for they constantly fear punishment. They are not serene.

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