
How does Chachmah build a house?


R. Yonah: After warning not to envy the wealth of Resha'im and their serenity, and not to desire their company in order to profit monetarily, it says that if one will engage in Chachmah, Tevunah and Da'as, from them he will attain serenity and wealth. This is in addition to his Nefesh attaining an end and hope - "Im Matzasa v'Yesh Acharis" (14).


R. Yonah (4): Building and founding the house, and filling the rooms, are a Mashal for acquiring attributes of the Nefesh, like "Chachmos Bansah Veisah" (9:1). The building is choice and Teshuvah. The founding is establishing Teshuvah, lest it be destroyed via the Yetzer that overpowers, and occurrences. This is the level of Nekiyus that Chazal mentioned (Avodah Zarah 20b). Filling the rooms is acquiring attributes of the Nefesh in fear, love and clinging. It is found in the attributes of Da'as - "Ru'ach Da'as v'Yir'as Hashem" (Yeshayah 11:2).


Malbim: Chachmah is received. He gathers the laws of Chachmah from outside and gathers to his heart its Kelalim and teachings one by one. A Mashal for this is one who gathers wood, rocks, plaster and all materials needed for building a house, and he built rock on rock.


How does Tevunah found a house?


R. Yonah: It makes it last and continue. This is like 'Lo Sikon Atah u'Malchusecha" (Shmuel I, 20:31), "Sefas Emes Tikon la'Ad" (12:19). From Chachmah one reaches Tevunah, a higher level than Chachmah. Therefore building is attributed to Chachmah, and continuity to Tevunah.


Refer to 24:3:1:2.


Malbim: Tevunah understanding a matter amidst another matter, after receiving the laws of Chachmah and gathering them with Emunah. It is like one who founds a house and puts a roof and ceiling on it.

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