
What is the significance that Hashem's name is called on the city?


Malbim: Even though Yisrael are under Hashem's Hashgachah, Nebuchadnetzar will rule over them, and all the more so other nations, which are under the Ma'arachah!


What is the meaning of "Mechel"?


Rashi: It is to begin.


Malbim: Sometimes Hashem cuts off nations so Yisrael will be chastised - "Hichrati Goyim Nashamu Pinosam...; Amarti Ach Tir'i Osi Tikchi Musar" (Tzefanyah 3:6-7). Then, He first afflicts the nations, and there is hope that if Yisrael will repent, the decree will be nullified. However, now that the evil begins in Yisrael, it does not come in this way, to nullify the decree. How will you be cleansed?!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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