
Why does it say "Hashem Elokai"?


Radak: Each of the Zekenim will say 'Hashem, You are my G-d.' I.e. You judged my case against the Nochrim. Now I recognize that You are truly Elokai.


Why does it say "Aromimcha" and "Odeh Shimcha"?


Radak: In my praise, I will attribute to You elevation, for You are elevated over all the Goyim. It mentions elevating Him, and thanking His name, for He and His name are the same.


Malbim: This is the song that Zekenim will sing in the future. Hashem is recognized from two ways. (a) Due to Him Himself - His name of Havayah hints that He was, is and will be, and He causes all existence and renews it. (b) Via His wonders that defy nature. Through this, the entire world recognizes that He has strength to override the Ma'arachah and do in the entire creation as He desires 1 . People cannot understand Him Himself; He is elevated above any understanding. Aromimcha - I elevate You above all understanding, Brachah and thanks. Odeh Shimcha - because You are Elokai, and You revealed Your Elokus via wonders and great acts above nature.


Malbim: The name Elokei Yisrael hints to wonders that He does for His close nation.


What Pele did Hashem do?


Radak: (a) You took us from among the Goyim that we were scattered among them and serving them. (b) After the gathering of exiles, Gog and Magog and many nations with him will gather against Yisrael. You will make all of them fall on the mountains of Yisrael, like it says in the Nevu'os of Yechezkel and Zecharyah.


What is the meaning of "Etzos me'Rachok Emunah Omen"?


Rashi: Counsel given from afar (a long time ago) to Avraham, at Bris Bein ha'Besarim - it is faithful. Omen has the same grammatical form as Ohel and Ochel. It is not a verb.


Radak: The counsels that You said from afar (a long time ago) via Your Nevi'im, they were fulfilled strongly. This is like "Ra'im v'Ne'emanim" (Devarim 28:59) and "b'Makom Ne'eman" (above, 22:23) - both of these are strong and lasting.


Malbim: You did these wonders in order to be faithful to Your counsel from afar (a long time ago) via Your Nevi'im, to strengthen Emunah via showing that You can override nature as You desire.

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