
What will be the consequence of Hashem putting His hand on you?


Malbim: Also after the Churban 1 , you will not find rest among the Goyim.


It seems that here, 'Churban' is the destruction of Amon. (PF)


It is written l'Vag, and we pronounce it l'Vaz!


Radak: The Kesiv is food, like "Pas Bag" (Daniel 1:5). It is like the pronunciation (disgrace), for the food is a Mashal for disgrace. Gimel switches with Zayin according to At-Bach (we exchange Aleph with Tes, Beis with Ches...)


Why does it mention "Goyim" and "Amim"?


Malbim: Goyim are lower. They have no king. Amim are more esteemed; they have a king. You will dwell among the less esteemed Goyim; they will consume you with the entire mouth. I cut you off from the more esteemed Amim. You cannot dwell among them at all.


Why does it say "v'Ha'avadticha"?


Malbim: If you will want to settle in lands by yourself, you will perish from settlement. I will totally destroy you, and you will know "Ki Ani Hashem"!

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