
How thick was the lid of the Aron?


Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It was a Tefach 1 thick. 2


Which the Gemara in Sukah, 5a learns from the smallest of the Keilim - the Misgeres (the frame around the Shulchan), which was a Tefach wide, as the Torah specifically states. See Torah Temimah, mnote 21.


Refer also to 25:11:2:1*.


Why was the Kapores made specifically of gold?


Yerushalmi Shekalim, 1:1: Because 'Let the gold of the Kapores come and atone for the gold of the Golden Calf'. 1


In fact, the D'rashah actually incorporates all the other Keilim in the Mishkan that were made of gold. See Torah Temimah, note 22.

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