
Why does it say "Mi Zeh ha'Ish Yere Hashem"?


Radak: One who wants to fear Hashem should prepare his heart.


Malbim: After asking Hashem to grace him with all his physical and spiritual needs, he says that for true Yir'ei Hashem, there is a better path than what he prayed for until now - to totally despise worldly matters.


What is the meaning of "ba'Derech Yivchar"?


Rashi: Hashem will lead him in the path that He 1 chose - the good path.


Radak: Hashem will help him and show to him the path that Hashem chooses that man go on - the good path.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Man will choose the path.


One could explain Rashi to mean that the person chose the path (refer to 25:12:2:3). This helps explain why it says "Yivchar" (future). (PF)

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