
Who are "Kol Kovecha"?


Radak citing a Midrash: They are Yisrael. David said, when I pray to You, I pray for me and Your nation Yisrael. My Tefilah should not be despised in front of You, for the eyes of all Yisrael are on me, and my eyes are on You. If You hear my Tefilah, it is as if You heard theirs.


What are "ha'Bogedim Reikam"?


Rashi: They are robbers who empty the poor of their possessions. This is like "va'Achaltzah Tzorerai Reikam" (7:5).


Radak: They are people who betray me and those who fear You, without reason. They should be shamed, for their trust is not in You!

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